Cultivating Confidence In Tweens/

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Teens Want to Live Their Best, Instagram Worthy Life. 

But the truth is many feel anxious and stretched thin.

Balancing school responsibilities, friends, sports/clubs, part-time jobs and family life is hard. 

Add in learning/attention issues, social media, FOMO, social difficulties, etc. and  anxiety can easily tip into depression. 

Tweens face the challenges of changing bodies, increased academic responsibilities and the big leap from elementary to middle school. 

Often tweens and teens can be flooded by emotions and not really be sure what the exact problem is. All they can say is that they have bouts of anxiety, irritability, sadness  but they’re not sure what is driving it. 

Our Counselors Read Between
The Lines.

They can help your child figure out and put into words the issues that need to be addressed. 

Our therapists are skilled at working with and have effective plans for teens and tweens who might be experiencing:

  • Panic attacks
  • Low self-esteem
  • Relationship/friendship break-ups or drama
  • Transition to a new school
  • Adjustment to divorce
  • Death of a loved one

As A Parent ...

You can feel torn and confused

Aren’t all pre-teens/teens moody? Don’t they all spend a lot of time in their rooms?  Isn’t friendship drama just something we all naturally learn to navigate through? 

Well Yes and No. 

Since you are reading this page, chances are you think your child might benefit from talking things over with a counselor who can:

  • Provide a neutral, supportive space to talk/figure things out
  • Provide tools to help your child better understand and better manage emotions
  • Listen to what your child’s goals are and help to identify and change any thoughts patterns or behaviors that might be blocking your child from meeting those goals. 

Learn to Flip the Switch


“Am I Good Enough?”


“Are These Friends Providing the Friendship Experience That I Want?” 

Build Self Esteem 

With peers developing at different rates and changing interests adolescents often experience shifts in friendship groups. Shifts that may seem sudden and incomprehensible to your child. 

Our therapists help tweens and teens become More Resilient, Build Self-Esteem and Cultivate Confidence by providing them tools to:

  • Move Past Disappointments and Frustration
  • Make Smart Friendship Choices
  • Become More Assertive Accept that it’s OK to Make Mistakes
  • Recognize their Own Good Qualities

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are"

E. E. Cummings

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