Back To School Anxiety

How To Ease Back- to-School Anxiety   


Normalize and Validate Feelings


  • Let your child know that most kids feel anxious the day/night before school, that’s normal --you can share that you used to feel worried too.


  • If you child struggled (academically, socially or behaviorally) last school year, acknowledge that fact but also acknowledge some of the positives of the last school year. 


  • ”Last year was definitely mixed. You grades were great but some of the kids were not so nice.” 


  • “You did great in science and English but math was really challenging.”


  • Ask your child what his specific worry is. If your child is unsure why he is anxious, share some common reasons that students worry (this will often elicit a response).


Common worries are:


  • The teacher might be mean
  • No one I know is in my class
  • Other kids will be cliquish
  • I won’t have anyone to sit with at lunch
  • The work will be hard and I might fail
  • I won’t be be able to find my classroom and the late bell will ring
  • I won’t be able to quickly open my locker
  • No one will talk to me
  • Someone might bully me
  • The kids on the bus will be mean


Shift into Problem Solving Mode 

For Each worry your child mentions ask:


  • What’s the worst that could happen? 
  • Come up with a plan for each worst case scenario.


  • What’s the best that could happen? 


  • What will probably happen?


Explain Why This Year Will Be Different


  • Highlight any changes that have been made, (lighter caseload, classroom/testing accommodations or modifications, extra academic (reading, math, resource room) support, there is a different mix of children in this class, etc.). 


  •  If nothing has formally changed talk about ways you and your child can be proactive (see suggestions below).


 Limit School Conversations-Don’t Allow Obsessing


  • The goal is to project that things are under control


  • There is a plan in place and nothing to worry about


  • Briefly repeat the plan and then distract your child with an activity he enjoys.


Remember You Don’t Need to Have the Perfect Solution; You Just Need a Plan

Proactive Plan Suggestions

For Social Issues


  •  Get your child speaking to his classmates within the first day or two of school. The longer he waits to break the ice, the harder it will become. 


  • Script you child and role-play  2 -3 casual, brief conversations your child can have with another student on the first day or two of school. (“Did you have a good summer?” What (video games, sports) are you into in?).


  • Role-play those same conversations more than once.


  •  Consider offering a small reward for each conversation you child has with a new classmate. It can help in pushing your child out of his comfort zone.


For Academic/Behavioral Issues


  • Periodic checking ins with the teacher, (even if the teacher does not reach out to you), regarding your child’s classwork, socialization and in-school behaviors). The end of the second week of school is a good time to do an initial reach out. 


  • Communication with the teacher gives a message to your child that all three of you are a team and it helps the teacher to feel supported.


  • No electronics until homework is completed and checked.


  • Parents--will check homework, agenda books, online parent portals, etc. to ensure all work is being completed and that grades are up to par. 


  • Spend time going over your child's work  and check for understanding


  • Insist he/she attends extra help sessions at school


  • Monitor the way your child studies. Reading through class notes, for most children, is not the most effective way to study.


  • Quiz your child before a test.


  • Help organize your child (plan out short and long-range assignments on a calendar). 


  • If your child is having behavioral issues, ask for a functional behavioral analysis to be done.


  • Connect school behavior to home rewards.


  • If your child is struggling, take action quickly. This could include:
  • Talking with the teacher/counselor/principal to develop a plan
  • Arranging for tutoring
  • Requesting the school conduct a formal evaluation of your child. 

Normalize and Validate Feelings


  • Let your child know that most kids feel anxious the day/night before school, that’s normal --you can share that you used to feel worried too.


  • If you child struggled (academically, socially or behaviorally) last school year, acknowledge that fact but also acknowledge some of the positives of the last school year. 


  • ”Last year was definitely mixed. You grades were great but some of the kids were not so nice.” 


  • “You did great in science and English but math was really challenging.”


  • Ask your child what his specific worry is. If your child is unsure why he is anxious, share some common reasons that students worry (this will often elicit a response).


  Common worries are:


  • The teacher might be mean
  • No one I know is in my class
  • Other kids will be cliquish
  • I won’t have anyone to sit with at lunch
  • The work will be hard and I might fail
  • I won’t be be able to find my classroom and the late bell will ring
  • I won’t be able to quickly open my locker
  • No one will talk to me
  • Someone might bully me
  • The kids on the bus will be mean


Shift into Problem Solving Mode 

             Cultivate a “We’re in this Together” Environment


  • For Each worry your child mentions ask:


  • What’s the worst that could happen?
  • Come up with a possible plan to deal with each worst case scenario 


  • What’s the best that could happen? 


  • What will probably happen?


  Explain Why This Year Will Be Different


  • Highlight any changes that have been made, (lighter caseload, your child is slated to receive classroom/testing accommodations and/or modifications, extra academic (reading, math, resource room) support, there is a different mix of children in this class, etc.). 


  •  If nothing has formally changed talk about ways you and your child can be proactive. (see suggestions below)


  Limit School Conversations-Don’t Allow Obsessing


  • The goal is to project that things are under control


  • There is a plan in place and nothing to worry about


  • Briefly repeat the plan and then distract your child with an activity he enjoys.


  Remember You Don’t Need to Have the Perfect Solution;

   You Just Need a Plan

 Proactive Plan Suggestions

  For Social Issues:


  • Get your child speaking to  classmates within the first day or two of school. The longer he waits to break the ice, the harder it will become. 


  • Script you child and role-play  2 -3 casual, brief conversations your child can have with another student on the first day or two of school. (“Did you have a good summer?” What (video games, sports) are you into in?). Role-play these same conversations a few times.


  • Consider offering a small reward for each conversation you child has with a new classmate. Anxious children may want to reach out but in the moment it’s more tempting to remain quietly comfortable. 


  For Academic/Behavioral Issues:


  • Periodic checking ins with the teacher, (even if the teacher does not reach out to you), regarding your child’s classwork, socialization and in-school behaviors). The end of the second week of school is a good time to do an initial reach out. 


  • Communication with the teacher gives a message to your child that all three of you are a team and it helps the teacher to feel supported.


  • No electronics until homework is completed and checked.


  • Parents--will check homework, agenda books, online parent portals, etc. to ensure all work is being completed and that grades are up to par.


  • Spend time going over your child's work and checking for understanding.


  • Insist he/she attends extra help sessions at school.


  • Monitor the way your child studies. Reading through class notes, for most children, is not the most effective way to study.


  • Quiz your child before a test.


  • Help organize your child (plan out short and long-range assignments on a calendar). 


  • If your child is having behavioral issues, ask for a functional behavior analysis to be done.


  • Connect school behavior to home rewards.


  • If your child is struggling, take action quickly. This could include:


  • Talking with the teacher/counselor/principal to develop a plan
  • Arranging for tutoring
  • Requesting the school conduct a formal evaluation of your child. 

 “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”

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